Saturday, January 9, 2016

Connecticut’s historic school funding formula trial finally begins next week - Wait What?

Connecticut’s historic school funding formula trial finally begins next week - Wait What?:

Connecticut’s historic school funding formula trial finally begins next week

As Connecticut education advocate and columnist, Wendy Lecker, reports in her latest commentary piece in the Stamford Advocate, Connecticut’s children finally get day in court.
Of the many disappoints that have arisen since Governor Dannel Malloy and Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman were sworn in to office in January 2011, few, if any, is greater than their immoral efforts to dismiss, derail and delay what may be the most important Connecticut court case in our lifetime – the Connecticut Coalition for Justice in Education Funding (“CCJEF”) v. Rell School Funding Lawsuit.
The truth is that Connecticut’s school funding formula is not only illegal, it is unconstitutional. 
Inadequate funding is robbing Connecticut’s public schoolchildren of their constitutional right to a quality education, while placing an unfair burden on Connecticut’s local property taxpayers.
A new funding formula is needed.  But Connecticut politicians lack the will to adopt one, so the responsibility to act has fallen on the courts.
Despite having been supports of the lawsuits prior to taking office, Malloy, Wyman and Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen have wasted five years and massive amounts of taxpayer funds trying to stop Connecticut’s judicial branch from even hearing the critically important court case.
As mayor of Stamford, Dan Malloy was actually one of the original sponsors and plaintiffs Connecticut’s historic school funding formula trial finally begins next week - Wait What?: