Sunday, January 24, 2016

A new coloring page: Sorry, Governor Inslee, there’s no disguising your lack of leadership on school funding | Seattle Education

A new coloring page: Sorry, Governor Inslee, there’s no disguising your lack of leadership on school funding | Seattle Education:

A new coloring page: Sorry, Governor Inslee, there’s no disguising your lack of leadership on school funding


A message from TRAP:
Governor Inslee, you’ve put us in a tight spot.
TRAP wants to believe the Governor of the State of Washington would do right by the million students who are having their constitutional rights violated, on a daily basis, in underfunded public schools.
BUT your continued foot dragging – when there’s any movement at all – requires TRAP to apply the heat.
TRAP also remembers when you called a special session to give Boeing a $8.7 billion dollar tax break, but refused to call a special session to solve the school funding crisis.
Here at TRAP Headquarters, we’ve developed a theory. We think you’ve been wearing a disguise down in Olympia, hoping no one will notice your lack of leadership.
Well, Governor Inslee, TRAP is blowing your cover. Time to take off the glasses and funny mustache and get to work. The students of Washington State deserve nothing less.
-Carolyn Leith co-founder of TRAP
-Shawna Murphy co-founder of TRAP
Get your coloring sheet, by clicking on the: Inslee_coloring_sheet

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