Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Random thoughts. Averages. | Fred Klonsky

Random thoughts. Averages. | Fred Klonsky:
Random thoughts. Averages.

This clip of Hillary is making the social media rounds this morning.
I will tell you whose Facebook news feed it’s on.
Every teacher I know.
They are NEA and AFT members who may well be wondering why our leadership rushed their endorsement of her.
They are math teachers who wonder what Hillary was doing when she attended math class at nearby Maine South High School in suburban Park Ridge.
They are shaking their heads by her misuse of averages.
On the one hand, this is just a case of Trump Mouth.
“Closing schools that aren’t performing better than average,” is a practical impossibility since as soon as you close the ones below the average  you have created a new group that are below the average.
On the other hand, it is red meat to the corporate reform crowd in the Democratic Party.
The truth of the matter is that labeling public schools, teachers and students Random thoughts. Averages. | Fred Klonsky: