Tuesday, December 22, 2015

CURMUDGUCATION: Clinton's Math Problem

CURMUDGUCATION: Clinton's Math Problem:
Clinton's Math Problem

In Iowa, Clinton displayed a lack of-- well, something. Math comprehension? Education reform understanding? Thinking things through? 

She wouldn't keep any school open that wasn't doing above average. So... close half the schools? Of course, once you close half the schools, then the average will have to be recalculated, and then you'll have to close half of those schools. And so on until there is only one school left. Or maybe we close parts of that school. I am suddenly remembering the many hats of Bartholomew Cubbins and imagining a Seussian school at which a sky-reaching stack of students are seated at a single desk.

But maybe what she means is closer half the schools and replace them with charters, which means we'll close a new half of the schools every year. Will we allow students to move around? Will low-scoring students become educational hot potatoes, thrown off by schools who don't want to fall in the bottom half.

It will be frustrating of course-- half of the schools (a few more, actually) will always be average or lower, so every year we will close half the schools and every year we will have to farm out the students and putCURMUDGUCATION: Clinton's Math Problem: