Saturday, December 19, 2015

By our apathy, we’ve killed our kids - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice

By our apathy, we’ve killed our kids - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice:

By our apathy, we’ve killed our kids


 Guest Opinion By Timothy Coman (originally published in December of 1999)

Tonight my heart hangs extremely heavy. I know the holidays are upon us, but this year has brought so much pain and agony for so many, I think we must sit and reflect. As I watched over and over the video clippings from Columbine,JonesboroSpringfield and Pearl tragedies, I am reminded just where we have come to in our society.
So many people want answers, so many want justice, and yet, we should be looking at our own selves. We taught Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris to hate, yes, we did. We helped assassinate Cassie Bernall and Rachel Scott. By our actions, we allowed this to happen. No one single entity is to blame, we are all to blame.
Our children are medicated from the time they leave the hospital till often times before they leave high school. We all look for a quick fix, a fast solution, a McDonald’s drive-thru experience, often thinking or believing this is the answer, and yet we continue to be so blind.
We murder children in the name of convenience; we assassinate others’ character to gain power, wealth or strength, and morality is what you and I feel is right within our own eyes. Everyone wants to know about gun control, prayer in school, metal detectors or the newest idea which will save us all from whom?
Ourselves, that’s who.
It doesn’t matter who becomes president as long as he has the right charisma, a nice look, the right speech, the all-feel-good message that has lulled us to sleep, and while we slept, our children killed each other, and why? Because we have taught them so easily that it’s OK to kill—as long as you are justified in your beliefs. Preachers shout morality, and yet sin runs rampant in their own homes and places of worship.
The politician shouts gun control, and yet has no difficulty cheating on his or her mate asBy our apathy, we’ve killed our kids - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice: