Sunday, November 29, 2015

The War Path to School Priivatization and the Rising Public Resistance

War Report on the Road - Buffalo New York Part 2 - The War Path to School Privatization and the Rising Public Resistance

Please join Internet radio host Dr. James Avington Miller Jr. as he reports live in the seventh of his reports about “The People’s Story". Joining Dr. Miller this week will be education activists Dr. Barbara A. Nevergold andEve Shippens from Buffalo NY.

This week we will continue our discussion about the devastation of the Buffalo school system by privatization. Dr. Miller will expose the war path to school privatization and the rising public resistance in Buffalo and connect this to what is happening in our nation's schools.

We will look a the who, why, how, when, where, and what of both sides. We wlll expose the game plan of the Broad Foundation and alert our listeners to the signs that this plan is alive and active in your own school districts.

As a co-founder of the Uncrowned Queens Institute, Dr. Nevergold has worked to create a model for the reclamation, collection, preservation and dissemination of the biographic histories of African American women and men. Please check out her work at

Buffalo is ground zero in this war against public education and is set up to be the next all charter school district. This show will highlight the Buffalo parent- teacher organized resistance to the privatization of their schools.

Here is a link to the Broad School Takeover Plan -

This show will show you the power of a small resistance to overcome the neo-liberal ag enda to destroy public schools and privatize the education of the children of Buffalo.




Dr. Miller will also spend the last 10 minutes of the show reporting on his activities last week in gathering interviews for The People's Story.

Here is the link to The People’s Story - Please support our GoFundMe for this project -

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