Sunday, November 1, 2015

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Dear Directors - Say No to the Assignment Plan Overhaul

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Dear Directors - Say No to the Assignment Plan Overhaul:

 Dear Directors - Say No to the Assignment Plan Overhaul

Suggested e-mail to the Board on this issue with key points; edit at will.

If you want the Board AND senior staff to see your e-mail, write to :

If you want ONLY the Board to see your e-mail, write to:

If you want to sign up to speak at the Board meeting, call at 8 am Monday morning, 252-0040 and follow the prompts or send your email on or after 8am Monday morning to

E-mail suggestion 

Dear Directors,

I am a parent at X School.  I have read the red-lined version of the Student Assignment Plan and here's why you should NOT vote for this plan:

1) There has been little public notification about it.  

The meetings earlier in the fall were advertised as "Growth Boundaries Community Meetings" and not assignment plan meetings.  The notice talked about boundary changes in West Seattle and nowhere else. 

Three community meetings are scheduled in October to discuss the changes to school boundaries and the student assignment plan for the 2016-17 year.

It does NOT say "changes TO the student assignment plan."  What it said was: