Sunday, November 29, 2015

NYC’s Jake Jacobs: Get ready for #TeachStrong’s Corporate Ed Raid | deutsch29

NYC’s Jake Jacobs: Get ready for #TeachStrong’s Corporate Ed Raid | deutsch29:

NYC’s Jake Jacobs: Get ready for #TeachStrong’s Corporate Ed Raid

The following is a guest post by New York art teacher Jake Jacobs. In it, he discusses TeachStrong, yet another restyling of corporate reform that appears to have been designed to offer Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton a convenient education platform, complete with national teacher union involvement.
On November 20, 2015, I read a brief FB post by Jacobs on TeachStrong, Clinton, and AFT President Randi Weingarten. I asked Jacobs if he would expand his thoughts into a blog post.
He said yes.
I give you Jake Jacobs.
Get Ready for #TeachStrong, the Latest Plan by Clinton-linked Corporate Education Raiders
Jake Jacobs
Recent shifts in Hillary Clinton’s education platform coincide with the news of a new alliance forged between lobbyist groups and high ranking leaders of the nation’s two biggest teacher unions, but their priorities are sharply at odds with grassroots parent and teachers unwaveringly opposed to the proliferation of high stakes standardized tests.
Hillary’s sudden pronouncement that there is “no evidence” showing test scores should be linked to teacher evaluations is bittersweet for actual educators – not because it’s so late, but because the very same body of research tells us that NYC’s Jake Jacobs: Get ready for #TeachStrong’s Corporate Ed Raid | deutsch29: