Thursday, November 19, 2015

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Former CPS liar-in-chief, leaves Rahm's Super PAC to start her own biz.

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Former CPS liar-in-chief, leaves Rahm's Super PAC to start her own biz.:

Former CPS liar-in-chief, leaves Rahm's Super PAC to start her own biz.

"She will be a real asset to those that work with her", says Michael Sacks, CEO of Grosvenor Capital Management . --Crain's
Becky Carroll, served as J.C. Brizard's andByrd-Bennett's liar-in-chief at CPS before moving over to run Rahm's campaign Super PAC. Now, after a year and a half at Chicago Forward, Carroll is setting out on her own. Her new money-making venture is called Chicago Backward (just kidding) C-Strategies LLC and I assume her specialty will be union-busting, school privatization, and attacking progressive political candidates, as always.

Carroll's time at CPS was mostly spent trying to cover up Brizard's ineptness (admittedly an impossible job) and then keep a lid on the BBB/SUPES affair and the UNO corruption scandals. Then there was her CPS budget deception and her selling of the school closings (she named it, "right sizing"). 

Oh, I almost forgot her efforts to spread dis-information about the Chicago Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Former CPS liar-in-chief, leaves Rahm's Super PAC to start her own biz.: