Sunday, November 8, 2015

Micah Ali, President of the Compton Unified School, Compton students, teachers file suit for 'complex trauma' - Melissa Harris-Perry on MSNBC

Melissa Harris-Perry on MSNBC:

Compton students, teachers file suit for 'complex trauma'

Compton students, teachers file suit for 'complex trauma'

A provocative lawsuit playing out in Compton could have nationwide implications on if complex trauma could be classified as a disability under federal law. Kathryn Eidmann, Staff Attorney at Public Counsel, Pedro Noguera from UCLA and Dr. Robert Ross...
Duration: 9:35

Lawsuit takes aim at Compton school district

A lawsuit filed by a group of five students and three teachers against a school district in Compton, California would force the district to provide staff training and broaden mental health services. Micah Ali, President of the Compton Unified School...
Duration: 6:25

Micah Ali, President of the Compton Unified School

Melissa Harris-Perry on MSNBC: