Monday, November 2, 2015

CBE Online is Neither Personalized Nor Higher-Order Thinking!

CBE Online is Neither Personalized Nor Higher-Order Thinking!:

CBE Online is Neither Personalized Nor Higher-Order Thinking!

Computers on a desk

Competency-Based Education (CBE) is being promoted as the way to “personalize” education, but it is a cold impersonal method of teaching on the computer. It fails to teach to the whole child and merely provides fragmented drill. It will be coordinated with Common Core, and there are concerns about student private information being compromised.
Competency-Based Education (CBE) itself has been around for years. Teachers pretest, or figure out what a child doesn’t know or understand. They provide instruction that addresses what the student lacks. Then the teacher reassesses to see if their instruction made a difference. If the instruction works, the teacher moves on. If it doesn’t work, they rethink their teaching strategy and do something different.
Teachers might not think about CBE much because it is usually automatic. Special education teachers used to hear about CBE quite often because it is used with IEPs.
There is nothing wrong with CBE per se, but let’s be clear. Today’s online CBE is all CBE Online is Neither Personalized Nor Higher-Order Thinking!: