Friday, November 27, 2015

A heart wrenching story from a teacher in Tennessee.  Could have been Connecticut or anywhere… - Wait What?

A heart wrenching story from a teacher in Tennessee.  Could have been Connecticut or anywhere… - Wait What?:

A heart wrenching story from a teacher in Tennessee.  Could have been Connecticut or anywhere…

Read the story posted by a Tennessee teacher yesterday.  Then convert what will undoubtedly be your sadness and anger into action.
Election Day 2016 is just over 11 months away.
This time, use your vote to slap back the testing mania and the unprecedented attack on our students, their teachers, the teaching profession and our public schools.
Before you vote, demand that every incumbent explain what they have done to push back the Corporate Education Reform Industry and the destructive agenda.
Before you vote, demand that every candidate outline what they will do to put the concept of “public” back into public education.
No votes until they reduce the use of inappropriate standardized testing, no votes until they ensure that teacher evaluation program don’t rely on the use of those unfair standardized test results and no votes for those who have become lackeys for the effort to privatize public education.
Voting is the ultimate weapon we have in a  stable democracy, use your vote with Maximum Force.
The Tennessee teacher’s powerful expose was re-posted by Connecticut educator and fellow bloggerPoetic Justice who is “A poetry teacher defending ALL students and their families.” You can find and comment on the original post at: A Not So Graceful Exit: Why I Left Teaching
A Not So Graceful Exit: Why I Left Teaching
Yesterday, I quit.  In the middle of the school year, I quit.  After fourteen 
A heart wrenching story from a teacher in Tennessee.  Could have been Connecticut or anywhere… - Wait What?: