Saturday, October 3, 2015

With A Brooklyn Accent: The Silver Lining in the Appointment of John King

With A Brooklyn Accent: The Silver Lining in the Appointment of John King:

The Silver Lining in the Appointment of John King

These are perfect conditions for revolt!

Education Activists! What are you waiting for?

It is hard to applaud John King's appointment as Interim Secretary of Education to replace the much hated Arne Duncan. In New York, he was legendary for openly displaying boredom, even contempt, when teachers, parents and students spoke out at open hearings held around the state on the newly unveiled Common Core Curriculum and the tests aligned to it. Moreover, his experience with public education was almost as limited as Duncan's consisting of three years as a charter school administrator before he moved in the New York State Education Department.
However, there is one positive aspect to this appointment. Because Dr King never had to go through confirmation hearings by Congress to get appointed to his position, and because he left his Commissioner position in New York at a time of With A Brooklyn Accent: The Silver Lining in the Appointment of John King: