Saturday, October 31, 2015

What’s Scary to Kids: Having Dyslexia and Being Held Back in Third Grade!

What’s Scary to Kids: Having Dyslexia and Being Held Back in Third Grade!:

What’s Scary to Kids: Having Dyslexia and Being Held Back in Third Grade!

A scary old jack-o-lantern on black.

With certain states jumping on the retention bandwagon, even though we know retention doesn’t work, where do students with dyslexia fit? Students with reading difficulties should not have to flunk third grade to get the help they deserve.
Many children with reading difficulties, who do not have IEPs, are being held back. In fact, probably most students who fail the third grade, who wind up with low test scores, have reading disabilities of some kind. Children don’t intentionally flunk tests.
Many know that retention is so scary for children it rates up there with the fear of going blind and losing a parent! If the public school system is broken when it comes to serving these kids, why aren’t they fixing the system instead of worsening it?
Why are the students punished when the adults fail?
If third graders are not doing well on the tests school officials should look at the following: