Thursday, October 15, 2015

What You Need to Know about the Walton Family Foundation | Diane Ravitch's blog

What You Need to Know about the Walton Family Foundation | Diane Ravitch's blog:

What You Need to Know about the Walton Family Foundation

This study of the Walton Family Foundation was published in 2012 by the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy.
It provides a history of the family fortune and a description of the Walton family and its political interests.
Helen Walton, widow of the founder Sam Walton, has supported Planned Parenthood, but otherwise the foundation donations have gone primarily to charters, vouchers, and other conservative causes. The family also donates generously to political campaigns, and most of its donations go to conservative Republican candidates.
Walmart has its admirers, but as the report shows, it has been sued for its treatment of workers, women, and immigrants. It is, of course, nonunion. Furthermore, when it opens a new Walmart in a community, it wipes out family-owned businesses.
One of the most startling statistics in the report is from Iowa, where the opening of a Walmart was soon after followed by the closing of hundreds of local grocery stores, hardware stores, building supply stores, variety stores, shoe stores, and clothing stores.
This is a report worth reading.What You Need to Know about the Walton Family Foundation | Diane Ravitch's blog:

Who’s Who in the Privatization Movement: The Foundation World | Diane Ravitch's blog