Friday, October 9, 2015

for the love of learning: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

for the love of learning: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity:

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

I listened to Dr. Kristopher Wells who is an Assisstant Professor and Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services (iSMSS) University of Alberta. He spoke about Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Canadian Schools. You can follow Kristopher on Twitter here.

Here is some of what I learned:

  • After decades of silence, more and more of our public institutions (like our schools) want to have a better understanding for gender identity and sexual orientation. 
  • Kristopher started Homophobic language isn't always meant to be hurtful, but how often do we use it without thinking?
  • Kristopher worked with the Alberta Teachers Association to author a Safe Spaces Initiative.
  • For the longest time, the Edmonton Oilers would have nothing to do with supporting LGBTQ until Andrew Ference marched in the Edmonton Pride Parade with his Oilers jersey.
  • Understanding and allying with LGBTQ is about inclusion and humanizing schools.
  • What is LBBTTTIQQAAP? Lesbain, gay, bisexual, transgender, two spirit, transexual, intersex, queer, questioning, asexual, ally, pansexual.
  • Those who are not LGBTQ may be in the best position to use their privilege to ally and advocate for those who are LGBTQ.
  • LGBTQ are sexual and gender minority, an invisible minority, are disproportionate targets for violence and victimization, and are coming out at younger ages.
  • People who say "there are no gay students in my school" are really saying "there are no visible gay students in our school" because the school is likely not a safe space for them to be visibly gay.
  • Confidentiality for students is important especially when it comes to their sexual orientation and gender identity. When students are "outed" by breaches of their confidentiality they are put at risk.
  • Some parents might say "if the school knows my child is gay, I demand they tell for the love of learning: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: