Friday, October 2, 2015



Dammit, NEA

The national leadership of the NEA today is one step closer to ramming the endorsement of Hillary Clinton down its members throats.

Steven Singer zeroed in on the maximum-irony quote from NEA president Lily Eskelsen-Garcia:

“We are what Democracy looks like.”

With those words, Lily Eskelsen Garcia took the reigns of the National Education Association (NEA) as President in 2014.

Well, no. This is not what democracy looks like. Not even if you squint real hard and tilt your head.

This is not what a recruitment drive looks like, as NEA continues to wish that it could take a stronger hold among younger members. In my corner of the world, the state called some local union leaders together to talk about the secret of getting more contributions for the political action committee. This does not look like how you do that, either.

You do not build a union by going to young professionals and saying, "Hey, we'd like you to give us some dues. In return, we'll tell you what we want you to think about national issues without ever checking with you to get your opinion." You do not build a union by telling your members, "Hey, we know what's best for you. Shut up and sit down."

Democracy is under attack in this country. In Alabama, where the system is now rigged to deny