Monday, September 7, 2015

Where the US spends its money…and it’s not on education | Seattle Education

Where the US spends its money…and it’s not on education | Seattle Education:

Where the US spends its money…and it’s not on education


We have neglected our schools financially to the point where they have become easily privatized.
Republican legislators in Washington State have continually fought against funding public schools adequately, particularly Ross Hunter, who recently moved over to the state’s Office of Early Learning (more on that later), and Representative Chad Magendanz, a big proponent of charter schools.
Nationally, our representatives in DC have ignored the financial requirements of funding public schools, what the real costs are, and instead are using our money to pay forendless, devastating and destructive wars that do not benefit our youth in any way, our communities, our disappearing middle class or our crumbling infrastructure.
To get a better perspective on what the priorities are of our elected officials, check out this article from the Business Insider:
As the US military continues to try to disengage from the Middle East and draw down, the country’s defense budget continues to fall.
In 2015, the US’ estimated military budget is expected to be $601 billion, down from $610 billion spent in 2014. However, even with the budgetary drawdown, the US still far outspends the next six highest spending nations. 
The following graphic shows the immensity of the US’ defense budget on the world Where the US spends its money…and it’s not on education | Seattle Education: