Saturday, September 26, 2015

Highlighting Websites, Blogs and Books!

Highlighting Websites, Blogs and Books!:

Highlighting Websites, Blogs and Books!

Hand writing Website topic on chalkboard

Back in August I passed the two year mark since I started this blog!
Today I would like to draw your attention to many wonderful blogs, websites and books about education which I have been collecting like rare coins for the last year. I already listed many others when I first started this crusade. Check out my WEBSITE!
Everything has to do with the desire for good public schools and education for all children.
Some of these sites you already know due to their popularity. I mean who doesn’t know Peter Greene? But I had not added him in the beginning so there is Curmudgucation!
I also know there are more sites I have not included. I have a stack on my desk which I still need to add. There are many wonderful voices out there who want the same thing—great democratic public schools!
I love to read other educator and parent and student viewpoints and I feel it is worth the time to write a little bit about them.
I also added some new sites from different countries. Through social media I’ve met some savvy educators from England (like Roger Titcombe, John Mountford, and Leah Highlighting Websites, Blogs and Books!: