Saturday, August 8, 2015

Who supports public schools for all? Who opposes high stakes testing and corporate education reform? | Reclaim Reform

Who supports public schools for all? Who opposes high stakes testing and corporate education reform? | Reclaim Reform:

Who supports public schools for all? Who opposes high stakes testing and corporate education reform?

Which candidate and party to vote for? Who supports public schools for all? Who opposes high stakes testing and corporate education reform? Who supports raising the minimum wage? Who supports food stamps for the working poor and their children? Who voted against sane regulations for the banking industry such as the Dodd-Frank Act
Democrat (D) and/or Republican (R)?
“Wish I could have been there. Would have loved to have asked him (Patrick Murphy, ex-Republican US Representative and present Democratic US Senate candidate) about why he voted recently with Republicans to cut food stamps by $90 a month for poor people, to pass CISPA, to set up the House Benghazi panel, or to gut minimum coverage requirements for the ACA, or reduce restrictions on for-profit universities. Or, well, all the other awesome Republican bills that have come forward and earned his strong support. He’s come a long way since maxing out donations to Mitt Romney in 2008 and other GOP candidates and then joining the Democratic Party right before the 2012 qualifying period. It’s great to have him with us, really it is. Maybe he’ll be Florida’s next Senator?”
(Sarcasm intended.)
– Joe Pishgar, former Democratic candidate for Brevard County, FL Commissioner
Crist and Murphy
In Florida, we have just experienced the insanity of running our last Republican Governor Charlie Crist as the Democratic candidate for governor. Crist was the protege of ex-Governor Jeb Bush (R). Crist, of course, lost.
“Kudos to Florida Democratic Senatorial Candidate Patrick Murphy (recent-R) for raising a ton of money this last quarter, mostly from the banking industry – go get ’em, Pat! In completely unrelated news, we just hit the six month anniversary of Patrick Murphy’s vote to dismantle the Dodd-Frank 
Who supports public schools for all? Who opposes high stakes testing and corporate education reform? | Reclaim Reform: