Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Save Schools: Fire the savage editor who stooges for corporate education reform. | Reclaim Reform

Save Schools: Fire the savage editor who stooges for corporate education reform. | Reclaim Reform:
Save Schools: Fire the savage editor who stooges for corporate education reform.

The days of the Tribune as an actual daily newspaper are over. The Trib is a mega-corporate propaganda machine that kills trees to print hatred, and it imitates an actual American newspaper as defined by respected schools of journalism.
The Trib supports the privatization of public education in order to enrich the corporate education reform investors in the rich-boys’ private club, the Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago. The Trib supports spending millions of dollars on useless, corporate education reform’s high stakes tests. Those rich boys are also drooling over managing and looting teacher pensions and other public employee pension funds for their own private profit.The Trib blames the victims who are teachers and other public employees.
Destruction for profit is vulture capitalism.
Crisis capitalism. If there is no crisis, create one. Corporate controlled media outlets such as the Tribune shriek destruction as they claim salvation.
What can we do about it?
First, let’s distinguish between nostalgia and good-riddance.
I remember years ago when I designed, printed and sold bookplates (Those small adhesive backed “from the library of” labels.) with designs of the Tribune, the Art Institute, Marshall Fields, etc. directly to the stores and offices of those institutions. After I delivered packages of these to the Tribune and the Oak Street Bookstore in the Drake Hotel, I walked along old Navy Pier talking with fishermen. I ate at Rocky’s Fish House at the base of the pier. I sat along the concrete pier edge, dangled my legs over the lake water, and Save Schools: Fire the savage editor who stooges for corporate education reform. | Reclaim Reform: