Monday, August 24, 2015

Moskowitz: Running for mayor is an 'interest' | POLITICO

Moskowitz: Running for mayor is an 'interest' | POLITICO:

Moskowitz: Running for mayor is an ‘interest’

Success Academy founder and CEO Eva Moskowitz said Friday that she is interested in running for mayor, and that she will "let everyone know" when she decides whether to run against Mayor Bill de Blasio in 2017.
"It's an interest," Moskowitz told the New York Post's Fred Dicker on his radio show, after Dicker asked Moskowitz about her oft-rumored mayoral ambitions. 
"I'm not being coy, I just honestly haven't decided yet," said, adding, "my husband doesn't know, my children don't know."
"It's a ways away, so I don't feel the need to decide immediately," Moskowitz said. 


Moskowitz, who served six years on the City Council, added that she "believes deeply in public service and elective office, having great public servants is really important."
De Blasio, whose poll numbers have dipped to an all-time low this summer, said Thursday that he welcomes all potential challengers in 2017. 
"Come one, come all," he said, when asked about the 2017 race. 
Dicker heaped praise on Moskowitz, and said she should be the state education commissioner after noting that he did not know how to pronounce the name of the newly-appointed commissioner, MaryEllen Elia. 
Moskowitz has been on a brief media tour this week. 
She appeared on NY1's Inside City Hall on Thursday night and spoke, as she often does, about what she and her allies call New York's "failing school" crisis. 
"I'd think there would be more people up in arms about what is really a segregated school system in New York City," she said, adding that affluent white students typically go to high-quality schools and poor, minority students often get stuck in low-performing schools. 
The 34 schools in the Success Academy network opened this week, several weeks ahead Moskowitz: Running for mayor is an 'interest' | POLITICO: