Monday, August 24, 2015

Malloy – You can’t hide the sham 2015 SBAC results forever! - Wait What?

Malloy – You can’t hide the sham 2015 SBAC results forever! - Wait What?:

Malloy – You can’t hide the sham 2015 SBAC results forever!

The January 2, 2015 the Wait, What? headline read;
The initial Wait, What? post of 2015 may very well be the most important of the year because it reiterates the disturbing truth about the Common Core, the Common Core testing scheme and what students, parents and teachers will be facing in the next few months.
The shocking truth is that Governor Dannel Malloy and his administration have agreed to a Common Core testing program that is designed to label the vast majority of our children as failures.
Here we are eight months later and tens of thousands of Connecticut children were given a Common Core test designed to label them as failures.
Two months after other SBAC states like Washington and Oregon have released their Common Core SBAC results, Governor Dannel Malloy and his administration continue to play games.
The Common Core Testing scheme is a scam that cost Connecticut taxpayers tens of millions of dollars… And yet the State Department of Education continues to rationalize the disastrous testing program.
Here is another powerful commentary piece from fellow public education advocate and regular Wait, What? commentator Jack Bestor.
It appeared first in the CT Mirror: Whither the elusive Connecticut SBAC results?
Whither the elusive Connecticut SBAC results? (By Jack Bestor)
Those oh-so-elusive SBAC results: after millions of dollars squandered on broadband improvements, tedious test prep, and time diverted from actual learning, our students, parents, and teachers have been prevented from getting the test results because no one in educational leadership today has figured out how to “spin” the results without facing the consequences of this poorly designed, invalid, questionably-standardized assessment that was perpetrated on our public school students.
Despite the reluctance of school administrators to speak up and push back against this ludicrous accountability exercise that has been promoted by 
Malloy – You can’t hide the sham 2015 SBAC results forever! - Wait What?:

Luke “The Job Creator” Bronin didn’t even create jobs when he could…

uke Bronin is violating Connecticut campaign finance law.
Luke Bronin is lying about when he lived in Hartford.
Luke Bronin isn’t even paying his fair share in Hartford property taxes.
And now Greenwich Native Luke Bronin is “going negative” in his campaign against Mayor Pedro Segarra, sending out misleading mailings to the voters of Hartford.
Claiming he’ll be  positive force for Hartford, the newcomer is spending his massive campaign war chest belittling Hartford’s mayor with attacks in mailings, in press releases and on television.  Many of his attacks are been misleading, but that hasn’t stopped Luke Bronin.
In a recent debate, Bronin attacked Segarra for not getting enough state aid from Bronin’s former boss, Governor Dannel Malloy and then claimed that there Segarra wasn’t doing enough to get city residents employed at state-funded construction sites.
Bronin yelped,
“I walk by that site, I don’t see an awful lot of Hartford residents working on that job right now.”
This from a man who failed to use Hartford contractors when completely renovating his Hartford Brownstone in 2012-2013.  A renovation that took a year and costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.
When a whole construction project was in his sole control the man who wants to lead Hartford hired more than a dozen major contractors… AND only one lived in Hartford.
As we know, in the real world politicians love to say one thing and do another.
And Luke Bronin has made it painfully clear that he nothing but a modern politicians.

Luke “The Job Creator” Bronin didn’t even create jobs when he could…