Wednesday, August 5, 2015

LAUSD Stop Supporting the Occupation And Militarization of Our Streets and Schools

LAUSD Stop Supporting the Occupation And Militarization of Our Streets and Schools

On Thursday, July 30th at the Los Angeles Unified School Board, the Labor/Community Strategy Center’s Fight for the Soul of the Cities Campaign members and leaders held a demonstration calling on the Los Angeles Unified School District to end the militarization of our schools by ending their relationship with the Federal Department of Defense’s 1033 Program and destroy all equipment received through this program. The Labor/Community Strategy Center’s Fight for the Souls of the Cities Campaign received a second copy of a letter dated June 19th from LAUSD Superintendent Ramon Cortines stating that the Los Angeles School Police Department has “discontinued” participation in the Department of Defense 1033 Program. We recognize that this letter is a critical advance by the LAUSD and LASPD in ending its relationship to this racist program of counter-insurgency. Yet, as a civil rights and human rights organization with deep ties to the 650,000 LAUSD students and many of their parents and teachers – we are obligated to get clear exactly what was done, when, what verification there is, and again what weapons does the LAUSD, if any, still have in its possession.

Support the Fight For the Soul of the Cities: Email Steve Zimmer today: Tell him to take a stand and make a motion get the school district out of the 1033 program