Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Councilmembers Say Sexual Harassment Training Should Be Mandatory For Them -

Councilmembers Say Sexual Harassment Training Should Be Mandatory For Them -

Councilmembers Say Sexual Harassment Training Should Be Mandatory For Them

Some members of the Sacramento City Council say the City Charter should be changed to require all members take sexual harassment training.
Councilman Jeff Harris introduced the idea to the full council Tuesday night and asked the council's Good Governance Committee to act on it.
"It would be as simple as saying that all members of the council would be required to take sexual harassment training on a two-year basis," he says.
Councilwoman Angelique Ashby is on the committee.
"It's not required of us, but we can require it of ourselves," she says. "That will be a likely recommendation from the group and I am happy to hear you bring it up today and I thank you for doing that."
Ashby says she and other members of the committee had already discussed the idea.
Councilman Jay Schenirer, Mayor Kevin Johnson and Councilman Allen Warren are also on that committee.
Warren is currently the subject of a sexual harassment complaint and investigation.
Johnson sent a memo to all council members last week asking them to take sexual harassment training.
He was cleared of wrongdoing in a sexual harassment complaint that was filed against him by a city employee earlier this year.Councilmembers Say Sexual Harassment Training Should Be Mandatory For Them -