Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Child Left Behind - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice

The Child Left Behind - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice:

The Child Left Behind

The child left behind isn’t always obvious.
The obviously educationally deprived children have been well documented—repeatedly. They are represented by the demographic categories (disaggregated data) of No Child Left Behind in an attempt to bring attention and resources to those groups to correct their education deficit. But in this plan, have we stopped to observe what we have created, to assess what is happening and ask, who is the child left behind and why should I care?
education-quotes-52b.288120633_stdHistory, experiences, research, and common sense tell us that well-educated people are better able to resist political oppression, live longer and healthier lives, and are less likely to be incarcerated or require long-term social services.
  • We obviously believe health care is an issue worthy of our attention.
  • We all have heard that our country throws more people in jail on a per capita basis that most others.
  • We talk about the importance of an educated, informed electorate.
We seem to comprehend educations’ importance to issues important to us. Yet on the subject of our education system, we fail to be up in arms when we most definitely should be.27669fc6d3a584c886c93a40f1686f94
2007 is when No Child Left Behind should have been updated or trashed. That date came and went with people across the country complaining —but no wide-spread action was taken en-mass. Our inaction spoke volumes. It told the Powers-That-Be to do with this law what they will. They did nothing.
And worse still, they continued to use a very narrow set of statistics to decide the fate of children across this country. But what if yours wasn’t or isn’t “statistically significant”?
The child left behind is the child that falls through the cracks. And during the Great The Child Left Behind - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice: