Friday, July 31, 2015

Please Support Aggie Kurzyna for New Britain Board of Education – the Best Choice for the Children | Poetic Justice

Please Support Aggie Kurzyna for New Britain Board of Education – the Best Choice for the Children | Poetic Justice:

Please Support Aggie Kurzyna for New Britain Board of Education – the Best Choice for the Children


My friend and fellow CT activist Aggie Kurzyna needs two things from the people of New Britain CT.
First, she needs your signatures on her petition to run for the Board of Education. She needs to get 700 signatures of New Britain registered Democrats by August 12th.
The second thing she needs is your vote on primary day September 18th.
Please email Aggie at or visit her Facebook page if you want to sign her petition, pick up a petition to circulate, or just to get more information.
Also, Aggie will be on The War Report for Public Education Radio Show on Sunday August 2nd at 5 PM to talk about her platform and why she is trying to get elected to the Board of Education.
Below are Aggie’s own words. Please read and take action for the children and families of New Britain.
“My name is Aggie Kurzyna and I am a petitioning candidate for the New Britain Board of Education. I am a parent, a grandparent and a lifelong New Britain resident who cares deeply about my community. I am taking the leap to run for a seat on the BOE as I have found education advocacy is my life’s purpose and passion.
My running mate, Violet Sims and I did not get the endorsement from the Democratic Town Committee this past Thursday, July 24th, 2015. Unfortunately, they chose to stick with the 3 incumbents who are currently sitting on the board. Their reasoning was its tradition to back the incumbents. Sounds like a pretty lame reason to me. Never did we discuss the issues and what everyone’s thoughts were about how to improve our schools. The decision was basically one of relationships and who knows who.
Violet and I are ready to take this race to the next level, which means that we have to petition for a primary election. This means that all registered democrats will be able to vote on Wednesday, September 16th on who they want represented on the New Britain Board of Education. In order for us to get to the vote in September we have to gather 700 signatures from registered democrats that live in New Britain by 4:00 PM Wednesday, August 12th.
For too many years, New Britain parents have struggled with trusting the New Britain school district. My mission once on the board of education will be to rebuild the trust between parents, students and the school district.Clearly, if families and schools are to form partnerships that work, there must first be a foundation of mutual trust, confidence, and respect.”
Here are more of her words from an article in the New Britain Herald:
“Kurzyna, a 40-year-old city native, said Wednesday, “We were not happy with the Democratic Town Committee process. There was no dialogue other than with the nominations committee, and that was a quick 20 minutes. There was no opportunity for me to talk about the issues with the greater town committee.”
With regard to school policies, Kurzyna, who served at various times on the governance councils at New Britain High School, DiLoreto School and Smith Elementary School, said, “I really want to focus on rebuilding parents’ trust. I don’t think the school district is going in the right direction.”
Specifically, Kurzyna, a project manager in IT for Hartford-based Phoenix Companies, said, “The elimination of dual language at DiLoreto was done behind closed doors. There was no transparency and no communication with parents.”
Another issue Kurzyna believes had a negative effect on students was eliminating bus transportation for elementary school students living less than one mile from school.
“There was no direct communication to parents that this was going to happen,” said Kurzyna. “Bus transportation is the best way kids get to school. The school district was trying to save money by doing this. In the winter time, especially, it’s dangerous for kids to walk to school.'”
There is no doubt it. Aggie will work to take our schools back from the corporate reformers and from political parties that have lost touch with the citizens. Please support Aggie as she fights for the children of New Britain CT.
Aggie’s Family:
Listen to Aggie this Sunday on The War Report for Public Education radio show. Call in to listen-in only at 1-716-748-0150. Call in to interact live at 1-888-627-6008 toll free.