Thursday, May 28, 2015

Bad tests by any other name are bad tests. Enough is enough. | Reclaim Reform

Bad tests by any other name are bad tests. Enough is enough. | Reclaim Reform:

Bad tests by any other name are bad tests. Enough is enough.

Several governors now find it to their political advantage to oppose Common Core State Standards, but they want to continue awarding the contracts for hundreds of millions of education tax dollars to their campaign donors who can manufacture new brand versionsof the same state mandated testing swindle. Bad tests by any other name are bad tests.
CCSS rebranded
Chris Christie in New Jersey, Bobby Jindal in Louisiana, and Scott Walker of Wisconsin are busy peeling the old labels off of the extremely lucrative and totally unnecessary high stakes tests and materials (online programs, texts, teacher training, etc.) that were never Bad tests by any other name are bad tests. Enough is enough. | Reclaim Reform: