Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Pro PARCC post in Gist memo is propaganda piece

Pro PARCC post in Gist memo is propaganda piece:

Pro PARCC post in Gist memo is propaganda piece

gist test cartoon

 In her recent field memo of April 3, 2015Commissioner Gist took the unusual step of quoting an entire blog post.

“I’m a mom,” it begins. “And the happiness of my children, now and in the future as they go on to start careers and families of their own, is on my mind all the time.”
The post was written by a mother from Florida who is in support of the Common Core State Standards and the accompanying testing. She is also an attorney and president & CEO of the Multicultural Education Alliance.
The blog on which it appeared is put out by the Foundation for Excellence in Education, a Jeb Bush creation, which states on its website: “The 21st century economy is the most competitive in world history. It is an economy that requires a growing number of educated and skilled workers. Yet, on international assessments, American students rank 21st in science and 26th in math, behind their peers in countries like Singapore, Japan and Canada. We need to reverse this trend if America is to continue its dominant role.”
In other words, the goal of education is to provide a workforce with the skills to meet the needs of the global corporate economy and maintain America in a dominant world position. Does this goal resonate with most parents of preK-12 students?
The website for the EdFly blog has as its web address ExcelinEd.org. According to the 2014 donor page for ExcelinEd, those at the top of the donor list include (no surprises here):
Greater than $1,000,000:
  • Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust
  • Walton Family Foundation
Between $500,001 and $1,000,000:
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • GE Foundation
  • News Corporation
  • Charles & Helen Schwab Foundation
Between $250,0001 and $500,000:
  • Laura and John Arnold Foundation
  • Bloomberg Philanthropies
Between $100,001 and $250,000:
  • Eli & Edythe Broad Foundatio
  • Jeb Bush & Associates
It is no coincidence that Commissioner Gist herself as a Chief for Change, a group also created by Jeb Bush, would choose this particular blog post to send to all RI superintendents. That she has used her position of authority to single out this one blog post, which can reasonably be assumed to be propaganda for the position she has espoused since assuming the role of commissioner, is very unfortunate and does a disservice to the hundreds of RI parents and other concerned citizens who have researched the Common Core and PARCC testing in depth and decided they are not in the best interests of our children.
While it is true that many prominent civil rights groups, including the National Council of La Raza, do support the allegedly “rigorous” Common Core Standards and testing for accountability of students, teachers, and schools, one can only wonder whether the members of these groups have confronted the reality of the harm this agenda is actually having on traditionally under-served children and youth. It is understandable that those concerned about children of color, children from diverse ethnic and linguistic backgrounds, children with special learning needs, and children living in poverty, should be alarmed by the very real lack of advancement of many of these children in the public schools.
This is a complex issue and needs to be addressed comprehensively. The starving of Pro PARCC post in Gist memo is propaganda piece: