Friday, March 6, 2015

Answering a Challenge for “Full Disclosure” of My *Secret Funding* | deutsch29

Answering a Challenge for “Full Disclosure” of My *Secret Funding* | deutsch29:

Answering a Challenge for “Full Disclosure” of My *Secret Funding*

 On March 4, 2015, I wrote a post about a Louisiana teacher promoting the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in the op/eds and who happens to be under contract with the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) as a paid “common core expert.”

The teacher did not disclose that she is being financially compensated specifically for promoting CCSS.
money money
I took issue with both the compensation and the failure to disclose.
On March 6, 2015, I had a comment connected to the above post awaiting approval. It was written under the name, SickOfYourNonsense.
Here is what Sick had to say:
I think it’s time for full disclosure from you.
Who has been paying you under the table to keep our children tied to low standards and the worst curriculum in the nation,
Who has been paying you at all?
Setting aside the spitting-lizard tone of the above comment, allow me to offer “full disclosure” of my finances related to my advocacy for public education.
Let me begin with this: I am under contract with no entity, neither public nor private, nor with any individual for financial compensation for this blog, which is my primary, sustained means of communicating my research on the systematic privatization of public education.
I charge no fees to any readers of this blog. Any and all can read it for free.
To date, I have not sold the rights to any of my blog posts to any third parties.
My primary income is my teaching salary. It was slightly less in 2014 than in 2013. Our district allows teachers three days per year for “personal” absences. These I have used toward events related to education reform for the past three years (2012-14). Once I exhaust the three days, I must record my absence as “unexcused,” which means my teaching pay is docked. From 2012 to 2014, I collected no speaking fees for speaking engagements; I only asked that organizations pay for my travel, and in cases in which I needed to take an “unexcused” day from school, that the Answering a Challenge for “Full Disclosure” of My *Secret Funding* | deutsch29: