Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Network for Public Education’s 2015 Conference Together, we will save our schools.

The Network For Public Education | We are many. There is power in our numbers. Together, we will save our schools.:

The Network for Public Education’s 2015 Conference  Together, we will save our schools.
EarlyBirdRegPlease join us for the Network for Public Education 2015 Conference in Chicago from April 24th – 26th – 2015! Click HERE to get the EARLY BIRD Registration rates now! These low rates will last for the month of January.   The Network for Public Education’s 2015 Conference will be the place to be this spring, in the historic city of Chicago, home of the Chicago Teachers Union. The theme of the conference is:

“Public Education: Our Kids, Our Schools, Our Communities.”

The event is being held at the Drake Hotel in downtown Chicago.  Here is the link for special hotel registration rates.  Here are some of the event details.   There will be a welcoming social event  7 pm Friday night, at or near the Drake Hotel — details coming soon.

Featured speakers will be:
  • Jitu Brown, National Director – Journey for Justice, Kenwood Oakland Community Organization, Network for Public Education Board of Directors
  • Tanaisa Brown, High School Senior, with the Newark Student Union
  • Yong Zhao, Author, “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Dragon?
  • Diane Ravitch in conversation with
    • Lily Eskelsen Garcia, NEA President and
    • Randi Weingarten, AFT President
  • Karen Lewis, President, Chicago Teachers Union
There will be a special optional luncheon on Saturday that will feature a conversation between Edushyster and surprise guests.
There will be dozens of workshops and panels offered by activists from coast to coast. Proposals for these sessions are being solicited by the NPE, and can be submitted HERE until the Jan. 20 deadline.
The organizers worked to make the conference as affordable as possible. Please be aware that the room reservations and food costs offset the use of the hotel space. This conference is priced as cheaply as possible so that the maximum number of people can attend. We are hoping to raise money to provide a limited amount of scholarships. HERE is the link for the scholarship application.
If you would like to make a donation to allow others to attend who otherwise could not afford participating, please go HERE and indicate that this is for the “NPE Conference Scholarship Fund”


On Moyers & Company, Diane Ravitch tells Bill Moyers, ”I think what’s at stake is the future of American public education. I believe it is one of the foundation stones of our democracy: So an attack on public education is an attack on democracy.”