People’s Bill #1 (PB1): Legislator Accountability Bill
Today I put forth PB1 (People’s Bill #1) Legislator Accountability Bill.
This Bill was drafted by members of ALECFLA (American Legislative Exchange Council for Legislator Accountability).
Bill Summary
- This bill would require all legislators produce a weekly information sheet detailing any and all work paid for the people of the state.
- This bill would require that all meetings between legislators and lobbyists are disclosed and a meeting transcript be made available to the people of the state.
- This bill would require that all financial contributions be published weekly and any draft legislation attached to said contributions be disclosed immediately.
- This bill would require that each legislator post and keep weekly office hours for the people of the state.
- This bill would require that the each legislative body (house and senate) develop a data gathering system and legislative report card.
- This bill would require that individual legislator report cards detail legislator effectiveness.
- Legislator effectiveness will be determined using Value Added Legislator (VALs) People's Bill #1 (PB1): Legislator Accountability Bill | BustED Pencils: