Thursday, October 2, 2014

Critique of Chetty et al.’s ASA Critique Published in TCR |

Critique of Chetty et al.’s ASA Critique Published in TCR |:

Critique of Chetty et al.’s ASA Critique Published in TCR

 You might recall from this past summer a post I wrote titled “Chetty Et Al…Are “Et” It “Al” Again!” The post was about how Raj Chetty and his colleagues (Harvard academics who have been the sources of other posts here, here, and here) took it upon themselves to “take on” the American Statistical Association (ASA) and their recently released “Statement on Using Value-Added Models for Educational Assessment.” Yes, the ASA as critiqued by Chetty et al., as yet another sign of how Chetty et al. feel about their own work in this area.

Anyhow, I consulted a colleague to write a critique of Chetty et al.’s critique that we published first on VAMboozled (here). Soon thereafter, also given some VAMboozled followers’ feedback, we consulted another colleague/statistician, built this critique into a more thorough/scholarly commentary, and recently found out that the highly-esteemed, peer-reviewed journal – Teachers College Record – picked it up for publication.
Congrats to my colleagues, Assistant Professors Margarita Pivovarova and Jennifer Broatch.
For followers, here is the piece in full in case you’re all interested in reading the revised (and now more thorough with citations) post. Here also is the direct link to the commentary online.Critique of Chetty et al.’s ASA Critique Published in TCR |: