Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Whole Child Blog — Hope, Meaning, and Challenge: The Building Blocks of Motivation

The Whole Child Blog — Whole Child Education:

Whole Child Podcast

Whole Child Podcast

Hope, Meaning, and Challenge: The Building Blocks of Motivation

Teachers know that engaging and inspiring students initially requires building positive relationships and creating relevant learning experiences. Yet other key actions also matter: setting realistic expectations, creating a needs-satisfying classroom, and teaching students to self-evaluate and self-moderate. Students who are motivated and see meaning in what they learn progress faster and to higher levels, even when they start with knowledge or skill gaps. In fact, focusing on motivation and meaning is a classroom strategy that is often underutilized.
On this episode of the Whole Child Podcast, we take a look at how teachers can spark inner motivation in all students—from those who are disengaged from school to those who strive to succeed—and create meaningful connections that get students excited about learning.
Listen to the episode below or download it here.
How do you encourage effort and spark motivation for learning with your students?
Baruti Kafele on Motivation: Linking Attitude to Achievement
Teachers know that engaging and inspiring students initially requires building positive relationships and creating relevant learning experiences. Students who are motivated and see meaning in what they learn progress faster and at high levels, even when they start with knowledge or skill gaps. In fact, focusing on motivation and meaning can be an underutilized tool for the classroom. On the last e