Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Student Voice in a Box: Final Release

Student Voice in a Box: Final Release:

Student Voice in a Box: Final Release

This is our final installment of Student Voice in a Box. We think that you’ll agree this week is our some of our best content yet.

Ari Sussmann and the Student Voice Collaborative

This week, Ari Sussman tells us about the Student Voice Collaborative and how to make impact on a schoolwide level. His stories are moving and the scale of SVC’s impact is huge.

The Theory Behind the Voice

The projects that have been presented in this series are very diverse, and each of them challenges students to practice different combinations of skills. But what do all of the projects all have in common? Aside from the obvious answer – that they all amplify student voices – we noticed some patterns emerging. The article below outlines the step-by-step process and a theoretical model for sharing your voice with the education community and the world.

Class Project: Awareness Videos

Making videos is some of the most creative work of the projects in this series. Here are different ways in which you can turn a regular video-making assignment into a project that amplifies student voices.

Class Project: Demonstrations

Power to the people! Demonstrations raise awareness of causes and bring them into the forefront of society’s collective mindset. Here are some things to consider when assigning this project to students.

Longform of the Week: Cultivating Student Voice

Behind any strong voice is a strong foundation. These writing and discussion activities help to build that foundation and cultivate student voice.

Connect with Student Voice

The Student Voice Collection on Medium

We are collecting the best Student Voice pieces in one a beautiful collection on Medium. Check out what students are saying.

Podcast: Our Vision, Our Voice

In Our Vision Our Voice, Steve Figurelli features students sharing their most significant Student Voice stories with students and educators around the world. Listen to Our Vision, Our Voice on SoundCloud.

Join the Student Voice Educator Conversation

The Student Voice community on Blueslips.org is where teachers can discuss Student Voice best practices, exchange lesson plans, and see how other educators plan to use Student Voice in a Box in their classrooms. See what other Student Voice Educators are doing.
Featured image photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/b3d_/5907607001/

Author - Adil Majid

Adil Majid is a senior at Carnegie Mellon University. He co-founded Student Voice in the summer of 2012 as a way to combat the exclusion of students from the education reform conversation. He enjoys discussing politics, playing chess, and is an avid reader. You can follow his thoughts on Twitter at @adilmajid.