Wednesday, September 24, 2014

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-24-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:

Good News! Buras’ Book Soon Available in Paperback
Yesterday I reviewed Kristen Buras’ new book–the other side of the story–about Néw Orleans. I complained that the hardcover was priced at $125. Apparently the publisher got the message. The softcover was supposed to be out in 2015, but publication has been advanced. It will be available in a few weeks for $40, maybe less. The book is called “Charter Schools, Race, and Urban Space: Where the Marke

Sara Stevenson: Get Ready for the Big Teacher Exodus
Sara Stevenson, librarian at the O. Henry School in Austin and tireless defender of public schools and teachers, wrote this article, which was published in the Austin American-Statesman. Unfortunately, it is behind a pay wall. However, Sara solved that problem by posting it on her personal blog. Sara writes a letter to the editor of The Wall Stret Journal whenever it bashes public schools or teach

Breaking News in Michigan: Shocking Expose of Governor Snyder’s EAA!
Curt Guyette, an investigative reporter for the ACLU of Michigan, published this story at Detroit Metro News, based on an in-depth exploration of internal documents of Michigan’s Education Achievement Authority. The EAA was announced by Governor Rick Snyder in 2011 to “save” the lowest-performing children in Detroit.   Governor Snyder said in 2011:   In June of 2011, Gov. Rick Snyder stepped behin

FairTest Reports the Stunning Advances of Movement to Curb Testmania
Here is the weekly update from FairTest, which monitors the use and abuse of standardized testing. The movement to curb the abuses is multiplying. Bob Schaeffer of FairTest writes: Another incredible week for the assessment reform movement — school boards adopting strong resolutions calling for a suspension of high-stakes testing, candidates speaking out against standardized overkill, new Congres

Network for Public Education Endorses Michael Charney for State Board in Ohio
The Network for Public Education endorses candidates who share its values: supporting strong and better public schools, opposing high-stakes testing and privatization. We don’t know everyone running for office everywhere but endorse candidates who seek our endorsement, after a review of the records of all candidates in the race. We are ptoud to endorse Michael Charney, who is running for the state

EduShyster Reports on the Strange Case of the Disappearing Minority Teachers
EduShyster has been trying to crack the case of the mysterious disappearance of minority teachers in urban districts. She takes a close look at Boston, especially the prestigious Boston Latin School. Here is her beginning: “Today’s high-stakes question involves the demographics of our nation’s teaching force. When and where is it appropriate to discuss the urgent need to diversify the nation’s t

Sarah Darer Littman: The Gates Foundation as a Trojan Horse, Disabling Democracy
Sarah Darer Littman, who writes about education issues in Connecticut, tells a shocking story here of power and money. The Hartford, Connecticut, schools are under mayoral control; the mayor appoints 5 of 9 members of the board of education. The other four are elected by the public. But the Board is bound by its bylaws to act as a whole. The five are not supposed to hold secret meetings to make p

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-23-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Bloomberg News: Google Quits ALECBloomberg News reports that Google will or has quit ALEC. Probably this means Google will not renew its membership in this radical extremist organization, which writes model laws to bust unions, privatize public education, restrict voting rights, oppose gun control, deny climate change, and eliminat