Wednesday, September 17, 2014

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-17-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:

Mike Klonsky’s: Deasy Gets 61 M16s and 3 Grenade Launchers from the Pentagon
The Pentagon has been giving military equipment not only to police departments, but to school districts. In Los Angeles, Mike Klonsky reports, “Supt. John Deasy has stocked up 61 M16 assault rifles, three grenade launchers, and a mine-resistant vehicle from the Pentagon.” These things might prove useful, Mike speculates, if something bad happens. “like an ISIS attack or a sharp decline in test s

Florida: Broward County May Give as Many as 1,500 New Tests
Let the madness begin in Florida where the politicians’ zeal for evaluating teachers by student test scores has created a Frankenstein monster of testing: brainless and lacking in sense or self-control. Broward County is said to be developing 1,500 new tests in every subject and grade. “The abundance of new tests – up to 1,500 could be introduced in the Broward school district, according to Supe

Palm Beach County Goes Test-Berserk, Planning 400 New Tests
The testing madness in Florida has finally gone over the edge into full-blown lunacy. End-of-course exams will be given to every student in every grade and in every subject, including kindergartens. “The new end-of-course tests are needed to meet the demands of Florida’s controversial 2011 teacher merit pay law, which requires student test data to be used in public school teachers’ evaluations. “

StudentsFirst Hires Ousted Republican Legislator as Lobbyist in Michigan
Yesterday, we remarked on the candid remarks of the StudentsFirst executive director in Ohio, who said that most charters in his state “stink” and should be closed down. That was a hopeful sign that at some part of the reform movement might be willing to bend on its anti-teacher pro-privatization agenda. But today we learn from Eclectablog in Michigan that StudentsFirst has fired an ex-state legi

Fairtest: Growing Momentum to Roll Back Testing Madness
Here is the weekly Fairtest report on new developments in the public’s efforts to roll back the testing frenzy that has been imposed on our nation’s children by Congress, the Bush administration, and the Obama administration: Bob Schaeffer of Fairtest writes: It’s only the middle of September but assessment reformers have already recorded an initial set of “wins” for the new school year: Pittsbur

Nevada: Big $$$ for Tesla, No $ for Schools
Nevada is giving more than $1 Billion in tax breaks to woo automaker Tesla to build a huge factory to produce electric batteries. The deal is controversial but not among Nevada legislators, who expect it to produce economic benefits and 6,500 jobs. Education also produces economic benefits and jobs, but legislators don’t mind underfunding their schools, increasing class sizes, and short changing

Jersey Jazzman: Governor Christie Should Be Held Accountable for Failure in State-Controlled Districts
Jersey Jazzman says Governor Christie has complete control of education in four urban districts in his state, and his appointees have haughtily introduced changes without community consultation or consent, sowing chaos and dissension, and protests by students and parents. In Newark, as much as half of the students are boycotting Cami Anderson’s “One Newark” reorganization. In Camden, the distric
Gary Rubinstein: A Miracle in Tennessee–NOT
Gary Rubinstein, myth buster, takes a hard look at Tennessee’s Achievement School District and finds less than it claims. Gary has a brilliant way of pulling data apart and finding manipulation and tricks. He does it here, slowly and methodically Tennessee’s State Commissioner Kevin Huffman (ex-TFA, Michelle Rhee’s first spouse) brought Chris Barbic to Tennessee to create a statewide districts mad
Common Core Has an Image Problem, New Ad Makes It Worse
Lots of buzz on the Internet about the new ad that allegedly is trying to rebuild the image of Common Core. The reaction is overwhelmingly negative, not just on this particular website but in a flurry of emails that I have received for the past few days.   Here is Peter Greene’s take on this truly bad piece of propaganda.   The ad shows a grandfather who brings his grandson to school and asks abou

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-16-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Ohio: More Charters Failing than Public SchoolsStephen Dyer, education policy fellow at Innovation Ohio, has analyzed the latest state report cards. The state’s Governor, John Kasich, is pro-charter, pro-voucher, and pro-market forces. He is no friend to public education. The legislature is the same. They want more schools that are