Monday, September 15, 2014

Cali Education Headlines 9-15-14 Fiscal Crisis & Management Team

Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team | CSIS – California School Information Services:

Education Headlines

  • Santa Ana Unified aims to close the AP achievement gap

    In Santa Ana Unified — where the percentage of low-income students is 91 percent — about 40 percent of juniors and seniors take an AP exam. And among those who take the tests, 37 percent get a passing score. Santa Ana Unified School District officials are taking steps to improve the district’s AP course offerings and encourage more students to enroll in the classes.
  • Push to split Fresno Unified resurfaces

    A plan to break Fresno Unified into two school districts has new life after two years of work by a collection of business people determined to start a public debate on the topic — and eventually get a measure on the ballot.
  • Sacramento City Unified reaches deal with teachers on pay hikes, class sizes

    Sacramento City Unified and its teachers association have ended a long stretch of discord by tentatively agreeing to two years of pay hikes and smaller class sizes for the youngest students at high-poverty schools.
  • Modesto world religions course recognized in new book, state resolution

    As religious violence flares, Modesto City Schools’ course in world geography and religions finds itself in the spotlight once again, included in an upcoming book and the subject of a freshly passed Capitol resolution.
  • Manteca Unified to spend $30 million buying computers for all, kindergarten through high school

    Every student in the Manteca Unified School District will be getting a tablet-style laptop in early 2015 thanks to a $30 million launch into the digital age. The school board officially hit the on switch Monday night, awarding the contract for 24,000 Panasonic 3E devices.
  • Denair Unified looks at merging elementary school, charter

    The Denair Unified School District is looking at merging its popular elementary charter school with adjacent Denair Elementary by next year. Superintendent Aaron Rosander said preliminary discussions are being held on unifying Denair Elementary and Denair Academic Avenues, called D2A, in time for the 2015-16 school year.

Note: FCMAT provides links to California K-12 news stories as a service to the industry. However, some stories may not be accessible because of newspapers' subscription policies.