Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A #Commoncore Twitter Play | Missouri Education Watchdog

A #Commoncore Twitter Play | Missouri Education Watchdog:

A #Commoncore Twitter Play

twitter play
Pass the popcorn.

Common Core Proponents (Supported by Tax Dollars and Special Interest Groups):
  • Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, State Education Agency,Jefferson City, MO dese.mo.gov
  • Robert Pondiscio, Senior Fellow @ Fordham Institute; senior adviser @democracyprep. K-12 education, literacy, civics and citizenship
  • EdProgress, Center For American Progress Education Policy Team
    Washington D.C.
Common Core Opponents (Unpaid writers/researchers and taxpayers concerned about private non governmental organizations developing/directing public education with no accountability):
Scene: Critique of pro Common Core kindergarten math video published on twitter.
Location: Twitter
Act I:
Missouri DESE retweets Robert Pondiscio’s  modified tweet from EdProgress containing a video produced by Center for American Progress on ‘what Common Core means for students’.  EdProgress asks for questions.

missouri dese center for american progress
 The video link is here.
Act II:
Questions are asked for, so I ask one.  Simple, right?  I ask Susan and AP if they know if Pondiscio and EdProgress are connected financially with special interest groups funding the standards that just ‘might’ taint their support.  They do know the answer:

pondiscio twitter convo
Scene III:

Crickets from Mr. Pondiscio, Missouri DESE and EdProgress regarding  question about the financial support and/or grants these organizations have received from special interest groups. Maybe Mr. Pondiscio’s previous tweet explains and represents the silence from the well funded A #Commoncore Twitter Play | Missouri Education Watchdog: