Saturday, September 27, 2014

9-27-14 Wait What? - All Week

Wait What?:

  Wait What? All Week

NEWS FLASH:  The only Democratic governor in the nation to propose doing away with teacher tenure for all teachers and repealing collective bargaining for teachers working in the poorest district has received the endorsement of the Connecticut Education Association’s Board of Directors. According to multiple sources, the CEA’s Board of Directors reversed the decision the […] The post In a stunning

Tom Foley’s bizarre move on Education Policy and its potential impact on the CEA endorsement
In what appears to be an ongoing effort to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory, Tom Foley, the Republican candidate for governor, has proposed an education policy that looks eerily similar to Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy’s corporate education reform initiatives. Over the past four years Governor Malloy has earned the reputation as the […] The post Tom Foley’s bizarre move on Education Policy

SEP 25

The story behind the story about UConn’s decision to spend $1 million to fix a roof
19 years after the passage of UConn 2000, the initiatives that included the funds to renovate the Torrey Life Sciences Building, The University of Connecticut plans to spend $1 million on a new roof for the building which will then be torn down in next five to seven years after a new science building is […] The post The story behind the story about UConn’s decision to spend $1 million to fix a roo

SEP 23

Malloy’s administration to tout Corporate Education Reform Industry Agenda at National Conference
While wooing teachers with false promises of a change in policy here at home, Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy and his administration continue to trumpet their Corporate Education Reform Industry Agenda far from the gaze of Connecticut voters. Next month Connecticut taxpayers will pick up the tab to send the Connecticut delegation to the annual meeting […] The post Malloy’s administration to tout Corp

SEP 22

ConnCAN yelps response to Sarah Darer Littman’s Commentary piece
Provides stunning argument as to why Malloy does not deserve four more years! Over this past weekend, public education advocate and CT NewsJunkie columnist Sarah Darer Littman published a scathing commentary piece on the Malloy administration, the disgraced Jumoke/FUSE charter school chain and the tens of millions of taxpayer funds being wasted on charter schools […] The post ConnCAN yelps respons
Malloy to Teachers – Just for the record, I’m lying to get your vote
“In a recent interview published in this past weekend’s Waterbury Republican-American newspaper, Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy admitted that when it comes to his corporate education reform industry agenda, he intends to continue along the same track. Malloy said, “What we’ve done needs to continue to be implemented and rolled out,” We all know that Governor […] The post Malloy to Teachers – Just fo

SEP 21

The pro-Common Core Standardized Testing governor throws students, parents and teachers a bone.
With election day in sight, Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy, one the of country’s leading corporate education reform supporters, recently issues a press release announcing that he was writing a letter to Obama’s Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, to “explore” reducing the use of the Common Core standardized testing for 11th graders.  (Malloy’s pro-corporate education reform […] The post The pro-Com

SEP 20

Another MUST READ column on Jumoke/FUSE by Sarah Darer Littman
Sarah Darer Littman is an award-winning columnist and novelist of books for teens.  She is also one of the most important voices on behalf of public education in Connecticut. This week Sarah Darer Littman’s commentary piece in the CTNewsJunkie is a key addition to the discussion about the impact the corporate education reform industry in […] The post Another MUST READ column on Jumoke/FUSE by Sara