Thursday, September 25, 2014

9-25-14 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Cuomo Rides E Train To Catch Terrorists
Go get 'em, Sheriff Andy:New Yorkers had just better hope that the terrorists looking to blow up the E train that Cuomo rode today are not running against him in a Democratic Primary.Because if they are, they could be right in front of his face and he wouldn't notice them:

Anybody Buying This Threat?
The Neo-Con News: The Iraqi prime minister sent a scare through New York City by declaring Thursday that the Islamic State was plotting to launch attacks on subways in the U.S. and in Paris. Haider al-Abadi dropped the bombshell during a brief meeting with reporters at the United Nations. “Today, while I’m here, I’m receiving accurate reports from Baghdad, where there was an arrest of a few eleme

Jeb Bush Gets Preview Of What Run For President In 2016 Will Be Like
Yesterday I posted that I was hoping that Jeb Bush would run for president in 2016 because I thought he would get hammered over Common Core and be put on the defensive over his education reform record in Florida and his business interests related to education reform.Today the NY Times reports Bush got a preview of the opposition he's going to get in the GOP presidential primaries over Common Core:

Center For Unions Facts Is Right - Randi Weingarten Is Ruining Public Education
Lyndsey Layton reports the Center for Union Facts is attacking AFT President Randi Weingarten again:The 11-page mailing, on expensive paper stock, was sent first class to 125,000 households across the country this week. “I’m writing to you about Randi,” the letter began. “You probably don’t know who Randi is. Most people don’t. The terrible impact Randi has on America’s educational system is somet
Astorino: Cuomo At Center Of Albany Corruption
If you're a regular reader of this blog, you know I've covered this story many times - Sheriff Andy Cuomo claims he rode into Albany to clean up the corruption but nobody - nobody - is dirtier than Cuomo in Albany.The Astorino campaign hammered that point home yesterday: ALBANY — Gov. Cuomo received $2.7 million in donations since 2010 from companies that have received a combined $7.2 billion in s
9-24-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Cuomo Has Big Lead Over Astorino But His Job Approval Matches All-Time LowIf the election were held today, a weakened Andrew Cuomo would win re-election pretty handily - but that doesn't mean he hasn't been damaged by months of scandal and controversy:New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo holds a wide lead over his Republican gubernatorial challenger even as the governor's job-performa