Wednesday, September 24, 2014

9-24-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: Why I Won't Discourage My Students from Becoming Teachers.

With A Brooklyn Accent:

Why I Won't Discourage My Students from Becoming Teachers.

Every day, I get personal messages from teachers describing how their jobs have been turned nightmarish by tests, assessments, scripting and micromanagement and abusive treatment by administrators. When I posed the question here of whether things are better or worse for teachers than they were 10 years ago, well over 95% said they were much worse; many people said they were planning to leave the p

9-23-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: The "Data Driven" Nightmare Imposed by the Duncan Regime in the US DOE.
With A Brooklyn Accent: The "Data Driven" Nightmare Imposed by the Duncan Regime in the US DOE.When you base policy on "data" and discount "soft" information such as personal testimony, the hallmark of the Duncan Regime in the US Department of Education, you can produce a policy disaster of epic proportions. Why? Because data can be easily manipulated by self-interest