Monday, September 22, 2014

9-22-14 Curmudgucation - CCSS: Set in Stone?


CCSS: Set in Stone?

One of the ongoing side arguments in the education debates is the question of just how set in concrete the Common Core standards are.The pro-Core talking point has become some variation of, "Pshaw! States can totally do as they wish. The Core are just like, you know, mild suggestions, and states can just rewrite them or modify them or whatever." This is a considerable shift from the days

9-21-14 Curmudgucation - Running a Business with No Employees
CURMUDGUCATION: Running a Business with No EmployeesThis week New York magazine profiled a new type of business, and while it has nothing to do with teaching, it's a business model that those of us who work in the ed biz should pay attention to.Modern business leaders in America face what seems to them to be a dreadful problem-- employees who want to be paid. Earlier this week, I was involved in a