Monday, September 22, 2014

9-22-14 Cali Education Headlines

Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team | CSIS – California School Information Services:

Education Headlines

  • Debate rages over how to evaluate teachers

    Should student test scores affect teacher evaluations? That issue continues to be a stumbling block between Stockton Teachers Association and Stockton Unified negotiators as they pursue a new contract.
  • Retiring Bonita Unified superintendent reflects on influences

    Many years ago, Gary Rapkin drove a bus. And he’s been known to occasionally board school buses in the Bonita Unified and Mountain View Elementary school districts and ride with the children.
  • Natomas school district chides board candidate Konatsu for profanity

    An otherwise quiet school board election in the Natomas Unified School District took a bizarre turn this week when a letter from the district chastising one of the candidates for using obscene language on school campuses became public.
  • MORENO VALLEY: Planned city and school district summit soured

    After a rocky relationship over the past year, Moreno Valley city and school district officials have talked in recent months about wanting to work better together. But efforts to repair the relationship appear to have hit a bump, with a planned joint meeting last week between the two elected bodies canceled, reportedly over a disagreement over who would host it.
  • Prop. C renews school funding with boosts to children’s programs

    The simple explanation of San Francisco’s Proposition C is that it renews more than $135 million in annual funding for school and children’s programs across the city. The longer explanation of what the measure does specifically takes up 50 pages of ballot language that covers four separate policies and a 25-year commitment that would come with a majority yes vote on Nov. 4.
  • San Bernardino teacher accused of using slur: ‘I don’t tolerate racism’

    A Cajon High teacher accused of using a racial slur in class denies she used it in reference to any student. A senior in her seventh-period math class said that she used a racial slur in class on Sept. 3, after he asked why she was rearranging the seating of the black students, who make up a minority of the class.

Note: FCMAT provides links to California K-12 news stories as a service to the industry. However, some stories may not be accessible because of newspapers' subscription policies.