Saturday, September 20, 2014

9-20-14 Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement"

Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement":

“With Tech Taking Over in Schools, Worries Rise”
Parent are rightfully concerned about who will be controlling school data about their child (see The Best Posts On The inBloom Data Fiasco). The New York Times just published With Tech Taking Over in Schools, Worries Rise, which gives a pretty good overview of the issue.

SEP 15

“Home Visits: Reaching Beyond the Classroom”
Home Visits: Reaching Beyond the Classroom is a new nice post over at Edutopia. You might also be interested in The Best Resources For Learning About Teacher Home Visits.

SEP 14

Newark Protests Continue….
I’ve written many posts about the ongoing controversy in the Newark, New Jersey schools. Here’s the latest update: Parents and Students Continue to Protest Newark Enrollment Plan, Superintendent
“Duncan Urges PTA to Promote Education Issues in 2016 Presidential Election”
Duncan Urges PTA to Promote Education Issues in 2016 Presidential Election is the headline of a blog post this past week at Education Week. It discusses one of the stops on U.S. Education Secretary Duncan’s annual bus tour at schools. Here’s an excerpt: U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan called on the National PTA Wednesday morning to make education a major campaign issue for the 2016 preside
“With new school year, new rules for parent engagement have begun” In New York City
I’ve previously written about changes that New York City Chancellor Carmen Fariña is making to deal with the abysmal parent engagement record the city schools have had over the past few years. Here’s another article about them that appeared in Chalkbeat, With new school year, new rules for parent engagement have begun.
“volunteer forms scaring away parents with less-than-perfect pasts”
School Districts need to enter the real world and understand that being undocumented or having made mistakes in their lives doesn’t mean that they cannot help schools. I’ve recently shared about how two school districts are mishandling this situation: Charlotte Schools Say Undocumented Parents Can’t Volunteer In Schools — For Now, At Least “Fla. School Board Candidate: Allow Some Parents With Crim
Guest Post From The Parent/Teacher Home Visit Project: “What School Reform Can Learn from Business: It’s not what you think”
As regular readers know, I’m a big supporter of the Parent/Teacher Home Visit Project (see The Best Resources For Learning About Teacher Home Visits). Here’s a guest post written by Carrie Rose and Elaine Smith from the Project: What School Reform Can Learn from Business: It’s not what you think Change Won’t Work Without Relationships SACRAMENTO: The world of education policy has been abuzz with a