Thursday, August 28, 2014

Welcome to Lily's (new and improved) Blackboard - Lily's Blackboard

Welcome to Lily's (new and improved) Blackboard - Lily's Blackboard:

Welcome to Lily’s (new and improved) Blackboard

If you have been following Lily’s Blackboard for the past few years, you will be happy to see all the new features. If this is your first time here, Welcome!!!
Here are some of the exciting new features you will find on the new site:
First and most obvious, we have a new design and it is really cool. Feel free to just look at the site for a few minutes or just make it your homepage.
Wondering what Lily is saying to reporters?
We have a new Media Center where you will find how she is giving voice to the issues that affect students and their educators.
Want to stay in touch with the issues and activities of NEA’s president?
Sign up for our newsletter using the box on the right and get all the information in your inbox.
Did you know Lily is on Twitter?
You can find her latest musings on this blog or just follow her directly @Lily_NEA.
What else is NEA doing?
Don’t miss the news from other NEA sites. Check the box on the lower right.
Y en español!
Es una sección pequeña y va a creer, ¡pero ya existe!
Bonus: Did you know we are also on Pinterest?
Check the right hand column or just click here.

Bienvenidos a nuestro contenido en Español
Apenas estamos empezando, pero un largo camino comienza con el primer paso. Estamos creando contenido en Español para que las familias latinas en Estados Unidos, tengan acceso a los recursos que necesitan para tener éxito en la educación. Somos la Asociación Nacional de Educación, somos más de 3 millones de maestros, conductores, consejeros y empleados de las escuelas que estamos dedicados a nuest
First Latina elected head of the nation’s largest teachers’ union
Lily Eskelsen García began her career in education working at a school cafeteria, and now she is gearing up to become the head the nation’s largest teachers’ union. She was elected president of the National Education Association over the weekend at the union’s annual convention in Denver, becoming the first Latina to hold the position. The union represents more than 3 million public school educato
High Stakes Testing is Toxic
Check out this article after Lily’s conversation with ethnic media in Los Angeles: At a briefing for ethnic media in Los Angeles, Lily Eskelsen García acknowledged the challenges ahead of her. “What we’re up against,” she said, “are people who use good words like reform, and accountability, and progress.” But their real meaning will be to “narrow what it means to teach a child to fit on a standard
On a Mission to Galvanize Teachers and Parents
Lily Eskelsen García has a history that reads like a made-for-TV movie: She began her education career making salads in a school cafeteria and was nudged toward college by a kindergarten teacher who liked the way the 18-year-old related to young children. She paid her college bills with folk-singing gigs, graduated magna cum laude and nine years later, in 1989, was Utah’s Teacher of the Year. Lil
Consejos para padres: Bienvenidos a un nuevo año escolar
Por: Colorín Colorado En su calidad de padres, hay muchas acciones que ustedes pueden emprender en la casa para ayudar a que su niño tenga un buen año escolar, tales como leer a diario y limitar el tiempo que su niño pasa frente a la TV, los videojuegos y la computadora. He aquí diez maneras importantes de comenzar. 1. Cuidados médicos A los niños hay que hacerles exámenes médicos, vacunarlos y da
Teachers Paying Out Of Pocket For School Supplies
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – Imagine if you had to spend hundreds of dollars of your own money just to get your job done. Lily Eskelsen García, President Elect of the National Education Association, said that’s how much the average teacher had to spend on school supplies for their students in past years. Check out the rest of the article from CBS The post Teachers Paying Out Of Pocket For School Suppl
Back to School with the Amazing Educators in California
The National Education Association is ready to welcome all our students back to school. Lily had a full first day “back to school” in California with educators in Los Angeles. Check out the social media we produced: [View the story "Time to Raise Your Hand: Back to School in California" on Storify] The post Back to School with the Amazing Educators in California appeared first on Lily
La universidad: un sueño alcanzable
Samantha Hernández, estudiante de segundo año en California State University Domínguez Hills, sigue sus sueños de la universidad y la carrera por medio del apoyo constante de su familia, administradores de la universidad, y la ayuda económica que recibe. The post La universidad: un sueño alcanzable appeared first on Lily's Blackboard.
Pasos para reducir la deserción escolar
La propuesta de la Asociación Nacional de Educación para reducir la deserción escolar: Decretar que todos los menores de 21 años se gradúen de la escuela secundaria u obtengan un título equivalente. De igual manera que se decretó la asistencia obligatoria a la escuela hasta la edad de 16 ó 17 años a principios del siglo XX, es apropiado e importante erradicar la idea de que se puedan abandonar lo