Saturday, August 16, 2014

Updates for La. Common Core/ PARCC Lawsuits– Including Fresh Spin from John White | deutsch29

Updates for La. Common Core/ PARCC Lawsuits– Including Fresh Spin from John White | deutsch29:

Updates for La. Common Core/ PARCC Lawsuits– Including Fresh Spin from John White

August 16, 2014

The State of Louisiana is currently involved in three lawsuits over the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and/or the CCSS testing consortium assessments belonging to the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC).
Here is a brief update of the entire affair:
Lawsuit One Update
On August 13, 2014, Judge Todd Hernandez denied the pro-CCSS heavily-charter-backed plaintiffs in a suit being funded by the national “choice” group, BAEO (Black Alliance for Educational Options) the option of deposing the high-ranking state officials that are listed as defendants in the suit, including Governor Jindal:
District Judge Todd Hernandez agreed with Jindal attorney Jimmy Faircloth, who argued Tuesday that the governor could not be deposed in the lawsuit.
He extended that protection to the other defendants, Commissioner of Administration Kristy Nichols and Office of Contractual Review interim director Pamela Barfay Rice, and to OCR auditor Marsha V. Guedry, all of whom are represented by attorney Greg Murphy.
However, Hernandez did allow for the state to sue itself given that the state board of education (BESE) voted to join the pro-CCSS lawsuit on July 29, 2014.
On Monday, August 18, 2014, Hernandez will hear arguments regarding whether or not to issue a temporary injunction against Jindal’s June 18, 2014, decision to prevent BESE and the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) from purchasing the PARCC assessment.
So that’s the status of one lawsuit.
Lawsuit Two Update
The second lawsuit involves the July 21, 2014 filing by 17 Louisiana legislators against BESE for failing to follow the Administrative Procedures Act in adopting CCSS Updates for La. Common Core/ PARCC Lawsuits– Including Fresh Spin from John White | deutsch29: