Thursday, August 28, 2014

The same poo-poo in new bags. | Reclaim Reform

The same poo-poo in new bags. | Reclaim Reform:

The same poo-poo in new bags.

When Common Core State Standards (tests, texts and all) are given new CCSS “aligned” coverings by the state, does it matter?
Florida Gov. Rick Scott played the “save us from big government control” game even as the newly branded state education standards, texts, programs, tests, grading, etc, remain Common Core “aligned.” The name was changed from FCAT to FSA. Same profiteers, same tax theft from public schools to profit international corporate education reform investors, same insane pressure on students, same failing schools scams – NEW Name. Same poo-poo in new bags.
Bags of Poop2
Scott posed as the statesman rescuer of school children from nasty old Obamaeducation as he continues CCSS. He is similar to a person calling himself a savior on the Titanic as he tosses one deck chair overboard prior to sinking.
“We believe schools that have English language learners should not be penalized (for two years). Unfortunately federal officials disagree,” Scott said.- from news
Huh? That’s all Scott is going to do to make a difference?
“Like the standards, the Florida Standards Assessment — which replaces last year’s FCAT The same poo-poo in new bags. | Reclaim Reform: