Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Speaking Out Against Excessive Testing (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out)

yahoo good news (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out):

Speaking Out Against Excessive Testing
Susan Notes: There's something in the air: revolution against federal standardized testing! Breathe deeply.

by Susan Ohanian

While newspaper editorials call for obedience to federal laws linking student test scores to teacher evaluation and scrapping tenure, policy makers representing the people are beginning to see things differently.

In June 2012, the Vermont state board of education and department of education signaled resistance to federal testing mandates when Vermont refused to apply for NCLB waiter--because the waiver required tying teacher evaluation to student standardized test scores. "We did not want to use NECAP (New England Common Assessment Program) scores as a significant portion of a teacher's assessment," noted the deputy commissioner of the Vermont Department of Education told theBoston Globe.

Be aware that other states don't have the waiver tying student test scores to teacher evaluations: California, Montana, Nebraska, and North Dakota. Vermont is special because we refused to apply for the waiver.

  • March 2014 Maryland Senate Passes Bill Delaying Use Of Test Scores For Teacher Evaluations. Delaying evil is not exactly taking a moral stand, but it may be the first step toward it.

  • March 2014. Washington legislators reject Arne Duncan's demand, refuse to force schools to teach to the test. This meant the Feds revoked Washington's waiver.

  • August 6, 2014. Vermont secretary of education writes a remarkable letter to Vermont parents, explaining "The Vermont Agency of Education does not agree with yahoo good news (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out):