Friday, August 1, 2014

Pretty Campbell Brown and Her Ugly, Misguided Anti-Due-Process Crusade | deutsch29

Pretty Campbell Brown and Her Ugly, Misguided Anti-Due-Process Crusade | deutsch29:

Pretty Campbell Brown and Her Ugly, Misguided Anti-Due-Process Crusade

August 1, 2014

Over the past several weeks, I have read only a little on the situation of former CNN news anchor Campbell Brown’s sudden interest in forming a nonprofit in order to advance a lawsuit in New York purportedly to “save” public school students of the (surely) inept teachers currently protected behind “tenure” (i.e., due process rights).
I’ll admit, I have only been on the fringes of the affair that is New York’s “Brown vs. Board of Education” (I had to go there, what with hedge-funded nonprofits advancing their takeover of public education as a “civil rights” issue). However, with my second book written and off to the publisher, I am now ready to turn my research and writing attention to this Campbell Brown and her crusade to demolish teacher due process.
Brown has not bothered to demonstrate how, exactly, removal of the due process that promotes job security for good teachers will make the profession attractive to those who are good teachers.
It doesn’t matter. Brown will never feel the effects of her foolishness.
Brown, Her Hedge-Fund Friends, and Suing NY Schools
On June 24, 2014, Brown officially founded the nonprofit Partnership for Educational Justice (PEJ) basically to sue to remove due process job protections from traditional public school teachers in New York. The “nonprofit” has some fine hedge fund and corporate reform philanthropic backing as noted by its board of directors, including the Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO)– the group footing the bill for Louisiana’s pro-Common Core lawsuit– and StudentsFirst and Democrats for Educational Reform (DFER), both of which I wrote about in A Chronicle of Echoes.
Brown’s husband, hedge fund manager Dan Senor, sits on the StudentsFirstNY board with former NYC Chancellor Joel Klein, former DC Chancellor and Pretty Campbell Brown and Her Ugly, Misguided Anti-Due-Process Crusade | deutsch29: